Email Correspondence

You should be aware there is a Environmental offset charge that will be imposed on your lot. If you connect into our private network you will be obliged to pay this charge. Under The Glen Ora development scheme you are not obliged to pay this charge if you do not connect in. However we need satisfy this charge the proponent to satisfy the Commonwealth offset requirements and their other requirements because what we intend to has indirect effects.
The total cost of Federal Offsets
Estimated cost by EHP consultants as advised on 23rd June 2016
Hi Ron
Please find attached the offset calculators for Solomon Heights based on the removal of all matters of National Environmental Significance (NES) below Whitehill Avenue.
It should be noted that due to the multiple, overlapping matters of NES impacted by potential development, the costs associated with offsetting the impacts will be highly dependent on the negotiation between yourself and the landowner/s who have the offsets.
The estimate of price I have provided is based on past/recent dealings with landowners and their approx. price per hectare.
Overall, I estimate that, based on the attached EPBC calculators, it will cost you between $2.8 million and $4.2 million.
It is anticipated that we could secure offset for NTGVVP, SLL and GSM from the same site, with SRF needed from a separate site/landowner.
Happy to discuss further if required.
Shannon LeBel | Senior Botanist
Total number of lots in southern section 240
Southern Section $2.8 to $4.2 m (cash or kind)
add GST 10%
Estimated cost per lot for compliance with Federal Department of Environment requirements range $13332- $19500 GST inclusive.
STATE AND BRIMBANK CHARGE (State Authorities) State Government proposition.
OVERLAY ESO3 Total area 47817 sq. metres total area 18.9 hectares.
Under proposed State Government proposal there is to be a Vegetation Precinct Plan
1 The following principles we believe will operate under the VPP
a. If you are in green area -there will be a charge.( about 25% of the Green area)
b if you are not in green area -there may be a charge (about 75% of non Green Area )
Neither Council or State Government have given any figures to you about this VVP charge. We have no idea of the amount of this charge,
Under Glen Ora Scheme if you lot or total areas of your lots are less than 4000 sq. metres there is no charge.
Glen Ora opposes all environmental charges except the Federal Government charge. We see a VPP charge as a further unnecessary duplication and added inefficient impost on all land owners.

22nd July 2016 - Glen Ora wishes to advise you of the current progress in this matter.
1. Subject to obtaining consent from Council and The Commonwealth Department of Environment in respect of environmental matters , Glen Ora is ready to commence construction in the area south of Whitehall Avenue,
2. Construction means the installation of water ,sewerage,roads, drainage electricity and NBN(hereinafter called the private infrastructure)
3. Information can be obtained from our website http://www.glenoraestate,
4. We estimate a lead time for the commencement of works 4 weeks from the date of obtaining the last consent referred to in paragraph 1 above.
5. The estimated time for the completion of works is 6 months.
6. We have no interest in the development of the land north of Whitehill Avenue.
7. Under our proposal no person is obliged to connect into the private infrastructure,
8. There will be no restriction on lot owners in the south using our roads.
9. This project commenced 90 years ago and we can now finalise the completion of the project.
10. There will be a connection and administration fee.The administration fee will be for the maintenance of the roads,collection of garbage , public liability insurance and public lighting
11. There is a disagreement with Council on the legal status of the ownership of the roads. Our legal advise is that the legal advice received by Council is incorrect and is not in accordance with law. Accordingly we are still proceeding to complete the project. Glen Ora have title to the roads, The roads are private roads, The roads are not open to the public. The sign outside the property refers to the land behind the fence as private property. It is not a public highway.The signs erected by Council makes it clear that no entry is permitted without authorisation.
12. If you have queries relating to this matter please call me